11 Plus

A rich vocabulary is essential for the verbal reasoning sections of 11+ exams. Some children love to read, whilst others hate it. Reading a wide range of material is the best way improve vocabulary. But, many children skip words they do not understand and seldom bother to find out what a word means. Then, there is the old issue of context. Words can have different meanings, depending upon the context, yet examples are not always obvious.

WordBuilder is an easy to use tool to enhance vocabulary and help with 11+ and SATs success. It rapidly enriches vocabulary in a focused, independent, but fun way. We would like all children to develop a life-long love of reading and hope WordBuilder is not used solely as a substitute for reading. Reading short articles such as BBC New Round is an ideal way to read a little, yet encounter a  varied vocabulary.

Most educational authorities discourage intensive tutoring and some claim their 11+ exams are tutor-proof, but this should not be believed. The key to 11+ success is preparation.  Some children will pass without any preparation, but many won't and many don't want to take the risk.

Some children begin 11+ preparations in year 5 and some children in year 4. It really depends upon the child and the 11+ exams you intend to take.

Eleven plus students should focus on spellings and the special 11+ word lists, which comprise of carefully selected words, many of which have frequently featured in eleven plus tests (11+ Common words for VR/Secondary School and 11+ Increasing Vocabulary for VR/Secondary School) as well as the Sats Year 6 Tests word lists.

Those starting in year 4 should begin with spellings from the year 4 spelling lists and progress to year 5 and 6 spelling lists. They do not need to work on every list.
Towards the end of year 4 or from the beginning of year 5 they should start the year 6 sats and the special 11+ word lists starting with 1 word list a week, concentrating on Meanings; Definitions; Antonyms;  Synonyms, and Cloze Words, building up to 2 word lists a week. "Solve Conundrums" are for fun only and should not be taken too seriously! Those starting in year 5 should work on up to 2 lists a week. Children should not try and learn dictionary definitions of words, but should understand the "gist" of a word, as context has a bearing on meaning.

WordBuilder tests meanings using synonyms, thereby improving vocabulary. Word definitions are tested by providing a group of synonyms to further enrich vocabulary. Antonyms are useful to reinforce meanings, but it should be noted that all words do not have antonyms. The Cloze Word sentences put words in to context and provide an example of word usage.

If your 11+ region has cloze passage tests, we recommend children start practising using the Cloze Passage module during the latter part of year 5. They should begin with the Year 4 cloze passages and progress to the Year 5 tests. Cloze tests can first be attempted using word lists and once confidence is built, tests can be undertaken with clues displayed. Since parents can create their own cloze tests, children should never run out of material.

The following regions administer their own examinations at the beginning of year 6: 

11+ Bexley 11+ Gloucestershire 11+ North Yorkshire 11+ Torbay
11+ Birmingham 11+ Herfordshire 11+ Plymouth 11+ Trafford
11+ Bournemouth 11+ Kent 11+ Poole 11+ Walsall
11+ Bromley 11+ Kingston-upon-Thames 11+ Reading 11+ Warwickshire
11+ Buckinghamshire 11+ Kirklees 11+ Redbridge 11+ Watford
11+ Calderdale 11+ Lancashire 11+ Slough 11+ Wiltshire
11+ Cumbria 11+ Lincolnshire 11+ Southend-on-Sea 11+ Wirral
11+ Devon 11+ Liverpool 11+ Surrey 11+ Wolverhampton
11+ Enfield 11+ Medway Towns 11+ Sutton 11+ Wrekin
11+ Essex

CEM 11 PlusTM (Children's Educational Material for the 11+)

WordBuilder.co.uk is an excellent tool for Verbal Reasoning/English preparation for the 11+.

CooCleverKids.co.uk can help prepare a child where maths and data processing are tested.

WordBuilder, the 11+  vocabulary builder: www.WordBuilder.co.uk  The cost effective Word Builder giving you more for your money.

11+ sites

CEM 11+ test information is available at www.CEM11plus.com.

GLA 11 plus test information at gl11plus.co.uk

GLA & CEM 11 plus test information is available at www.11plus.eu

CEM 11+TM: Children's Educational Material for the 11+ 

Visit:www.CEM11plus.com  - the CEM 11+ information site.
Free CEM 11+ sample papers and free CEM 11+ questions.

Children's Educational Material for the 11+

This site provides information about 11+ exams
including those set by GL Assessment (GLA)
and CEM Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring®

Free Sats papers are available to
download at www.satspapers.org.uk


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