About Us

WordBuilder: About Us

Education is our passion. WordBuilder was developed to improve standards in English. It focuses on spelling and increasing vocabulary by working through word lists in a fun and focused manner.

WordBuilder lists often provide word definitions and examples. The power of WordBuilder is the inclusion of synonyms and antonyms. As word meanings are highly dependent upon context the meaning of a word is often better learnt on the basis of synonyms.

Not only are spellings tested, but word meanings and definitions can be tested via multiple choice questions. Meanings are tested using random synonyms to increase vocabulary. Antonyms are also tested as well and Cloze tests based on example of word use. Those interested in a challenge can solve conundrums. WordBuilder encourages self-study, self-discipline and concentration, all attributes that are vital later on in life.

Not only is Wordbuilder focused on continuous learning from reception to year 6, and beyond, it is also an invaluable low cost tool to prepare for comprehension and verbal reasoning sections of 11+ tests and private school entrance exams. Children  studying for the 11+ should note that many exams are now held during the beginning of year 6, during early September. Ideally, vocabulary building for the 11+ and private/independent school candidates should begin during year 4 and continue steadily during year 5 and 6, learning one or two lists a week from the special 11+ lists. We don’t expect your child to use WordBuilder everyday, but believe they should work through lists at their own pace for a few minutes at a time.

You can buy a one month subscription to WordBuilder or even purchase one year access, costing little more than a few lessons with a private tutor. It's a ideal, cost effective, tool for "DIY" preparation. Children improve their vocabulary with fun and independence, saving you time and effort. Wordbuilder: building on the power of words.

© Copyright 2010-2025 Word Builder: WordBuilder.co.uk. All trademarks acknowledged. Site Maintained by: Sequel Software Solutions Ltd
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